
Below is a sample of classes I taught in 2020. Please check back, as I will update these videos soon.

All-levels flow

This class is for beginners or students seeking a more gentle and slow practice, allowing time for seeking healthy alignment and taking mindful breaths in each pose.

strong flow & yin

This class is taught at the intermediate level. Prior experience with yoga is recommended. We begin by dropping into a pranayama practice that is carried throughout the class, syncing breath with vinyasa flow movements that thoughtfully prepare your body for opening, strengthening, and lengthening. We then transition into the yin portion of class, holding poses longer, inviting lengthening of the fascia and connective tissues, resulting in a well-balanced class that will leave you feeling whole.

kid yoga

This class is taught using a theme and related children’s book. Each class begins with song, warm-up poses, a sun salutation song that we sing to as we move, and pose of the week. The heart of the class is the story in which we act out using yoga poses. We then wind down with partner poses, cool-down poses, and resting pose. Age-appropriate breathwork and mindfulness activities are shared in every class.